Ye Lab @ UGA News

Shuang defended her PhD

Shuang joined the lab in the fall of 2019. She was the first graduate student to perform wet-lab research in the Ye lab. She managed the daily operation of the wet lab. She built multiple experimental systems to study the genetic regulation of FADS1 and FADS2. Notably, she sussessfully performed single base-pair editing in HepG2 cell lines to show the regulatory impacts of a single nucleotide polymorphism. In addition to her research achievements, Shuang has a profound impact on more than 10 undergraduate students, who learned to perform molecular experiments in the lab. Her excellence in teaching and mentoring was recognized by the Mary Case Award. Shuang has accepted a position in the Tech Transfer office at UGA. We are glad to continue having Shuang around at UGA and in Athens.

(Kaixiong and Shuang)

(Shuang and her PhD committee)

(Shuang and the lab)