Ye Lab @ UGA News

Summer visiting undergrad students

Eowyn I. Garcia-Rosario visited us from the University of Puerto Rico at Cayey. She joined us through the Summer Undergraduate Fellowships in Genetics (SUNFIG) 2024 program. Edgard Alejandro Diaz is an undergrad at UGA and has been working in the lab. He was doing molecular biology experiment with Shuang. This summer, Edgard was sponsored by the NSF REU program in Fungal Genomics and Computational Biology. Edgard got to learn bioinformatics and human population genetics this summer. Eowyn and Edgard were mentored by two graduate students in the lab, Lu and Yueqi.

Eowyn presenting her poster

Edgard presenting his poster

Eowyn with Lu and Yueqi

Edgard, Kaixiong, and Eowyn

Ye lab at Eowyn's poster

Ye lab at Edgard's poster

Eowyn led the painting celebrating Shuang's PhD defense!